“This glass has lipstick on it,” said the server through the drink window.

I smiled, because I have not heard that in over a year, and then I frowned, because scrubbing industrial strength lipstick off of glasses is a real pain.

All glasses in a restaraunt must be washed with detergent, usually in high heat, and then sanitized, with sanitizer. It’s the law and it’s pretty easy to do because industrial dishwashers do all of that for you. But unfortunately, industrial dishwashers are no match for industrial lipstick.

Along with the return of lipstick has been the return of chewing gum. The bottoms of tables and barstools everywhere will rejoice. But the return of those two things symbolizes the return of something else too.

“Hey Jeff,” said the man in the baseball cap, sunglasses, and facemask, his grayish bushy beard peeking out all around.

“Hey,” I said, having absolutely no idea who he was.

“This is Carrie,” he said gesturing towards what can only be surmised was a new friend.

“We go way back,” he said. I wasn’t sure if he meant me, or her, because I wasn’t sure if I knew him.

Covid has been hard on everybody, but it has been especially hard on some folks, physically, emotionally, and mentally.

read/hear more here:

Maybe ‘normal’ wasn’t as normal, as it should have been | The Barfly Online (jeffburkhart.net)

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